Due to an unforseen and unfortunate turn of event, I would be out of "action" for about 2-3 months. I will be back soon. In the meantime, here are what I have but yet to be explored. Chill.
This has to be the one of the rarest and probably the most awesome of the Mandarin Spawns. What can beat black? This repaint oozes evil. Black rules. Black Mandarin Spawn rules!
Words cannot describe this. I am not going to go into details with this awesomeness. It is in a league of its own. There are 2 versions. One is the Hasbro battle-damaged version and one is the Takara Masterpiece Convoy. Hasbro has nothing on Takara. Which is why the Takara 2004 Masterpiece Convoy is Greatest Toy Of All-Time.
Outrageous articulation. Suspensions. Rubber tires. Moving faceplate. Matrix of Leadership that lights up.
These I like. It is only now it appears on the site because seriously, I do not know how to take photos of this awesomeness. Photos probably don't do them justice. Anyway, this post will have the most number of photos ever for a posting because of its awesomeness.